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    Tenga Spinner #1 Tetra Male Masturbator Stroker Japan Sex Toy for Men

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    Introducing the new TENGA SPINNER!

    A novel internal spiral system allows the Male Sex Toy SPINNER to rotate when you are inside and create incredible effects with every movement! Enjoy sensations never before experienced.

    • 01 TETRA
    • Geometric plates with soft edges

    Specifications: Hardness Level 3, Stimulation Level 3, Diameter Level 4.5
    TENGA SPINNER has been awarded the Red Dot in the 2019 Product Design category.

    The Red Dot Design Award is an international product design award presented at the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen in Essen, Germany. Every year, an international jury of experts evaluates thousands of entries from around the world to award the Red Dot to products that demonstrate exceptional design in terms of form or function.

    No Battery Needed.

    Tenga Spinner #1 Tetra Male Masturbator Stroker Japan Sex Toy for Men - Early2bed
    Tenga Spinner #1 Tetra Male Masturbator Stroker Japan Sex Toy for Men

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